Make your mark — Paint your first piece of public art! Last year seven bold teenage artists took up their brushes and infused the facade of the Richmond Town Center with lively, vibrating color — each teen transforming one of its square window panels. Now it's your turn! In this workshop you will learn the tricks of famous muralists to create a large-scale eye-catching painting that will read well from Bridge Street. If you don't have time for a semester-long art class this three-hour workshop will allow you a creative break in which to express your artistic vision. Sign up with a friend!
Bring a color drawing of your ideas, or sketch it out during class.
When: Sunday Oct 7, 1-4pm (class starts on time to allow artists to finish by 4)
Who: Teens and tweens
Where: Radiate Art Space, 203 Bridge Street
Wear: Warm clothes to paint outside
Cost: $45 for three hours of instruction, painting, all materials, and photos of you and your masterpiece. Artwork will remain on Richmond Town Center for an indefinite period of time but will be digitally documented for eternity.
Taught by: Kathryn Wysockey-Johnson
Register soon — limited spaces available! Questions and registration:, 922-7035